About Me:

Born: Jan 7, 1966 in Caracas Venezuela

My father is an enviromentalist and cleaned up oil spills for Shell Oil, so in a way, I was brought up an “oil brat”. Went to American Junior High School in Caracas.

In 1980 my parents moved to North Carolina and opened a dog kennel and I went to Phillips Exeter Academy. I graduated class of 1983.

In 1986, after failing at several colleges trying Mathematics, Music, Anthropology, and Computer Science, and going to a a few dozen Grateful Dead concerts, I started a band called Liquid Sound. We performed up and down the East Coast. Our first gig was opening for Col Bruce Hampton and the Aquarium Rescue Unit In Greenville NC. Mind blowing.

In 1989, I continued on the road with Other People, a Grateful Dead Cover band turned into Jam band, way before Jam band was even a “genre”, whatever genre means. We toured extensively and played with bands like Widespread Panic, Dave Matthews Band, Hootie and the Blowfish to name a few. That decade was a whole lot of fun, yet a foggy blur in my life .

In 1995 I quit touring and became Microsoft Certified (The computer science background helped) and tried working at First Union National Bank. Lasted all of three weeks.

In 1997 I joined a dot com venture doing video streaming in Denver Colorado which ended up, well “dot commed” in 2000, so I returned to NC and became a free lancer web developer.

During the next 10 years I worked on websites, and played bluegrass with my old college friend and started a band called “The Moonshine Racers”. Our highlight was opening for Earl Scruggs at a 5000 seat venue in Charlotte NC. I guess the moonshine got ahold of that band and it fizzled out. The Bassist, the Mandolinist and I formed the Flat Tire Trio, which is in existence to this day as a “for hire” band. https://www.flattiretrio.com

In 2012 I became an IT consultant, developing wordpress websites, and administering LInux servers, which is what I do to this day in 2022.

I start up Jamorah, a part time “jam band” with the keyboard player from the old days and play on Mondays at our favorite music dive Smokey Joes in Charlotte NC. https://www.jamorah.com

At the same time, as I am helping my parents with their dog kennel and their old age plans (age 95 and 93), I build Granbar Studios in the back yard of the kennel. We have recorded a few dozen projects and are in the process of releasing our first Jamorah release, hopefully in 2023. https://www.granbar.com

During the pandemic, we hosted several bands on the back porch of the studio and made a quick website to help the musicians out. https://www.the3musicians.com

That’s it in a nutshell.

Contact me if you want IT services, want to record some music, or need a band.

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